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Morning by Morning: The Devotions of Charles Spurgeon, by Jim Reimann
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What can Morning by Morning do for you? A lot! Especially if you're a serious Christian or a Bible student who wants to be challenged to think differently about how to apply God's Word to your life. Jim Reimann, inspired interpreter of such classics as Streams in the Desert and My Utmost for His Highest, gives Morning by Morning―the powerful devotions of Charles Spurgeon―a new spin. Reimann carefully maintains the strength and dignity of the original edition, but broadens the appeal by adding: - Updated language and precise NIV text - Contemporary applications and prayers - Scripture references for every Bible quote - Easy-to-use Scripture and subject indexes - Scriptures selected from every book of the Bible These additions are designed to make Morning by Morning ideal for personal use as well as for sharing in study groups. But it's the author's thoughtful "From the pen of Jim Reimann" segments that really make this devotional shine. The author’s daily commentary complements Spurgeon's writing perfectly. Each day, Reimann includes personal reflections and shares thought-provoking ideas gleaned from his extensive travel and studies in Israel and other Bible lands. The result is a day-by-day opportunity for Christians to pause, reflect, learn, and grow. Whether you're mature in your faith or new to the journey, this stimulating devotional delivers a daily dose of just what you need. Morning by Morning is the companion volume to Evening by Evening, The Devotions of Charles Spurgeon, also expanded, indexed and updated by Jim Reimann.
- Sales Rank: #252953 in Books
- Brand: HarperCollins Christian Pub.
- Published on: 2010-10-05
- Released on: 2010-10-05
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.13" h x 1.10" w x 6.10" l, 1.15 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 432 pages
From the Back Cover
What can Morning by Morning do for you? A lot! Especially if you're a serious Christian or a Bible student who wants to be challenged to think differently about how to apply God's Word to your life. Jim Reimann, inspired interpreter of such classics as Streams in the Desert and My Utmost for His Highest, gives Morning by Morning---the powerful devotions of Charles Spurgeon---a new spin. Reimann carefully maintains the strength and dignity of the original edition, but broadens the appeal by adding: - Updated language and precise NIV text - Contemporary applications and prayers - Scripture references for every Bible quote - Easy-to-use Scripture and subject indexes - Scriptures selected from every book of the Bible These additions are designed to make Morning by Morning ideal for personal use as well as for sharing in study groups. But it's the author's thoughtful 'From the pen of Jim Reimann' segments that really make this devotional shine. The author's daily commentary complements Spurgeon's writing perfectly. Each day, Reimann includes personal reflections and shares thought-provoking ideas gleaned from his extensive travel and studies in Israel and other Bible lands. The result is a day-by-day opportunity for Christians to pause, reflect, learn, and grow. Whether you're mature in your faith or new to the journey, this stimulating devotional delivers a daily dose of just what you need. Morning by Morning is the companion volume to Evening by Evening, The Devotions of Charles Spurgeon, also expanded, indexed and updated by Jim Reimann.
About the Author
Jim Reimann has more than five million books in print in twelve languages, including the updated editions of Streams in the Desert and My Utmost for His Highest. He was a former retail executive and past chairman of the Christian Booksellers Association. As an ordained minister, Bible teacher, author, and expert on Israel, he hosted teaching tours of Israel and other Bible lands, which he offered through his website.
Most helpful customer reviews
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Deep, Enlightening, and Encouraging
By Scarlett S.
This devotional is extraordinary. Spurgeon writes beautifully and has such a profound understanding of God's Word and how it relates to our lives. He teaches and encourages the reader, and when you've lifted your head from the day's reading, you know more about our most wonderful Master. You also feel better, no matter what life's bringing you at the time. It's amazing that Spurgeon wrote this one when he was only 31 years old! Jim Reimann takes it further each day by adding more to nourish your spirit. There's also one for bedtime, called "Evening By Evening".
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
By Slo1744
This book by Spurgeon is uplifting. The daily devotions really lifted my eyes to the wonder of God, every morning. I would highly recommend this book. Spurgeon is a master at drawing you deeper to the Lord
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Wonderful way to start the day
By Al
Great insight and so relevant. Inspiring and challenging. I look forward to it each morning. Recommend to anyone who wants to start the day in the right frame of mind.
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